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Native's Improved Grazing Carbon Program

For Ranchers in Montana and surrounding states

Native's improved grazing carbon program provides ranchers with upfront financial and technical support to sequester carbon in soils. Interested ranchers can take the first step here to submit an application of interest.

Native's Improved Grazing Carbon Program

Native's grazing carbon program for Montana ranchers and surrounding regions provides upfront funding to help ranchers implement sustainable land management practices that enhance soil carbon sequestration. This program enables ranchers to invest in infrastructure and grazing improvements while gaining access to verified and credible carbon markets. By participating in this grazing program for ranchers, ranchers benefit from: 

  • Increased forage and land productivity 
  • Greater drought resilience 
  • Enhanced carrying capacity for livestock and wildlife
  • Capital support for infrastructure improvements
  • Diversified income through carbon credit revenue for up to forty years. 

The carbon program supports ranchers in adopting improved grazing techniques such as:

  • Increasing pasture splits to boost stocking density and livestock movement movement,
  • Reducing grazing days per pasture to prevent overgrazing
  • Prioritizing land rest in all pastures.

Native provides financial and technical support to Montana ranchers and those in surrounding states to deploy these practices and brings them access to carbon markets for forty years. Native measures, reports, and verifies the carbon sequestered in the soil to develop and transact carbon credits in voluntary markets.

Since launching in 2015 in partnership with Western Sustainability Exchange, the program has helped overcome adoption barriers for improved grazing practices. As it expands, Native collaborates with industry leaders to maximize benefits for ranchers. Native's grazing carbon program is the first validated and verified carbon project to a leading carbon standard, undergoing third-party audits to the Verified Carbon Standard.

Explore our FAQ or visit About Native to discover how our grazing carbon program supports ranchers in improving productivity and long-term financial resilience.

Apply to Native's Improved Grazing Carbon Program

The first step for ranchers interested in participating in Native's Improved Grazing Carbon program is to submit an application of interest. Here's what you can expect from the process.

  1. Native will reach out to you to schedule an initial phone/video call or ranch visit.
  2. Native will request some information about your ranch: baseline records and maps (shapefiles), ranch improvement plan, easement contracts (if applicable), written leases (if applicable). 
  3. Native will confirm your eligibility and provide terms.
  4. You can then sign the contract, and
  5. Get paid to start project activity and continue to receive carbon credit payments for 40 years.

Is my ranch eligible to participate?

Eligibility for the program depends on both the core requirements from the project methodology and Native’s own criteria. This includes: 

  • Current management is either continuous grazing or limited and moderate previous history of regenerative management. The program goals are to use carbon credit funding and technical support to have the biggest potential impact on rangeland regeneration. The best candidates will be those with limited experience with improved grazing.  If the ranch has been working on rotations and more intensive management in the past, we can assess management at the pasture level and exclude pastures that may not be eligible without the ranch being completely ineligible.
  • Located in the validated project region. The project is validated for the region shown on the map. If you fall outside this region but are still interested, please reach out to [email protected] or fill out an application of interest and we will be in touch. 
  • Commitment to the land and ranch operations.  Native signs 40 year contracts with participating ranches and guarantees to pay a minimum payment per metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent accrued in the soil. As such, Native is looking to build long term partnerships and to work with ranchers who have an equally long term commitment to the carbon management goals and improving their land. 
  • Greater than 2,500 grazable acres under livestock management. We are working to improved efficiency in ranch data management and carbon verification to include ranches at small marginal costs. At this time, our minimum is 2,500 acres.
  • Willingness to work and grow in uncertainty. The science behind soil carbon sequestration, the dynamic nature of soil, best land management practices, and carbon markets are a lot of moving variables that mix together to create the challenge and opportunity we have right now. Native hopes to find willing partners to enjoy the ride with us.
Northern Great Plains Regenerative Grazing Project Region Map

Project Supporters

The Native's Improved Grazing project is supported by these brands and others who partner with Native to activate their sustainability goals and support catalytic climate action projects.

Stonyfield logo
Xanterra logo
Bridger Bowl logo


Contact the Northern Great Plains Program Manager, Tara Povalish at [email protected]

For ranchers or land owners outside the project region, contact Kirsten McKnight at [email protected] 

Project Press

First verified and issued carbon credits for Montana ranchers

AgFunderNews: Rotational Grazing Pays Montana Ranchers

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