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Mission, Vision, Values

Our Mission

To catalyze meaningful climate action that wouldn’t happen without our leadership.

Our Ambition

Together with supporters and development partners, we aim to avoid or sequester 100 million tonnes of greenhouse gases by 2025.

How We Do It

Through innovative funding, the collective will of corporate leaders and our unmatched climate expertise.

Our Practices

We strive to build more, new climate solutions, always taking the next step forward.

We persevere to make important climate action happen. We are undaunted by projects that require significant time and investment.

People and communities are at the center of everything we do.

We recognize investment today is required for the solutions we need tomorrow.

Native is committed to acting with rigorous integrity, science-based research, diligent measurement, and careful verification.

We Believe

Unprecedented action that challenges the status quo
is urgently needed to achieve global GHG and SDG goals

Communities play an essential role in solving the climate crisis.

We believe it is fundamentally unjust to place a disproportionate burden on small producers to take climate action. We recognize that scalable climate action ultimately depends on local communities and their people. Agency at the community level is crucial to ensuring long-term social and environmental benefits.

Businesses have a responsibility to take ownership of their emissions and should drive climate action.

Climate investments that tie directly to a company’s business deliver greater value and foster continued commitment. Up-front, long-term investment by businesses is needed to overcome start-up barriers and create lasting impact.

We strive to leverage the carbon market to catalyze the action that communities and the climate need.

These beliefs are the foundation of our mission and directly drive and inform the work we do every day.