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Patagonia Region Improved Grazing Project


(Adapted from Gold Standard’s Grievance Procedure v3.0)

This document sets out the procedure to be followed for effective and timely resolutions to
grievances relating to project activities, procedures, and benefit-sharing mechanisms.

Grievance Procedure

  1. Via a Google form, submit grievances to Native. Provide the following details:
    ● Name, Farm Name, and contact details
    ● Request for confidentiality/anonymity
    ● Description of the grievance
    ○ Date of grievance
    ○ Principle, requirement, or procedure breached
    ○ Nature and impact of grievance
    ○ Supporting evidence (emails, letters, research, etc.)
    ● Declaration of any potential or perceived conflict of interest
    ● Declaration that information being provided is true, accurate, and made in good faith
  2. Grievances via Google form are to be received at [email protected]. Native will review
    and archive for VVB and Verra review.
  3. Native may contact you to resolve the issue informally. Unresolved grievances go to arbitration or court if necessary.
  4. The project auditor (VVB) assesses archived grievances during verification. If needed, Native
    will create an investigation plan and may appoint an external agency.
  5. Native will communicate the resolution and any follow-up actions. Unsatisfied complainants can
    appeal within 30 days by presenting new evidence.
  6. For unresolved grievances, mediation will be handled by Ruuts. Contact: Gabriel Levene
    ([email protected]) or Macarena Alonso Hidalgo ([email protected]).


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