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Haiti Clean Water Project

We thank you greatly for supporting this project and helping to catalyze new, lasting climate action.

The Haiti Clean water project is providing Haitian families with simple and effective Hydraid water filters. This allows families to cut down on emissions and costs that come from burning wood to boil their water.

An important part of your contribution to this carbon offset project is also sharing what your support has helped achieve. We have built a repertoire of content to help you in doing so.

All content provided below is authorized for media use.

Find the project page here for more details.

Given the current situation in Haiti, our project partners are not able to provide us with updated content regarding the project. We have included additional royalty-free imaging which represent the locations where our efforts are taking place. Thank you for your understanding.


Use this quote written by our team to communicate how your contribution is making a difference. 

Quote from Native

"Companies who support this project not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, they also bring clean water to families without it for the next ten years. Their contributions allow us to provide upfront funding and rapid access to the filters thanks to our HelpBuild program."

Author: Kirsten McKnight, Director, Native


Use this infographic to share more about the Haiti Clean Water project by highlighting its carbon offset impact as well as the community and environmental benefits.

Haiti Infographic

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Social Media Posts

Use some of these suggested hashtags to complement your post. #CleanWater #CarbonOffset #CarbonOffsetProgram #Nature #Conservation #GlobalHealth #Water #WaterforAll #Haiti #Sustainability

Project impact data

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Haiti (2)

Project description over view of Haiti

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Project Imagery

Hydraid water filters in Haiti

Hydraid filter system

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Valley in the Sud-Ouest region

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Homes in Port-au-Prince

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Jacmel Bay Sud-Est

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