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Build New Renewables

A Renewables Portfolio

Your role in building new renewable energy projects in North America

The problem: Your renewable energy investments – commodity REC purchases – don’t deliver the value that you desire. While buying commodity RECs does signal demand to the renewable energy market, and enables the purchaser to claim the use of renewable electricity, they have limited ability to drive new generation.

We believe: Your commitment to renewable energy should result in new renewable energy projects – high quality projects that benefit communities across North America. By aggregating your demand for renewables with that of other companies, you can play a causal role in bringing new projects online.

Our goal: Create a 1 million MWh renewable energy portfolio that leverages the values of leading companies to build over 200,000 MWh of new, community-scale renewable energy by 2025 (and include new pollinator habitat when possible!).


The Portfolio

Native's Renewables Portfolio leverages collective demand to create cumulative renewable energy generation.

Renewables Portfolio Standard

Native's Renewable Portfolio Standard is a set of criteria that determines which projects we invest in. This ensures all projects in the portfolio meet our expectations and the expectations of companies like yours.

Renewables Portfolio Structure

Native, together with leading companies, wants to create new, cumulative sources of renewable electricity. But because developing a new project requires an investor that is willing to make a long term commitment at a premium price, it is out of reach for many. Native's structure manages both the term and balances the premium so that your company can play a direct role in building new renewables.


Companies make at least a 3-year commitment to the Renewable Energy Portfolio. Native enters into 5-10 contracts with new projects.


New projects are built to meet demand. The volume of both new and existing projects increase to balance capacity and cost.


Portfolio investors are provided with opportunities to engage with projects and create messaging for their stakeholders.


Rights to RECs is transferred to investors upon payment. RECs are delivered on an annual basis in accordance with Green-e Energy and in compliance with LEED, EPA GPP, SBTi, etc.


Native manages project and portfolio performance.

Portfolio Project Updates

Read more about how we are building new pollinator habitat with each new renewable energy project here.

To learn more, contact Native by phone at 800-924-6826, by email at [email protected].

Native's RECs are Green-e Energy certified, and meet the environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at

For more information about Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), see:

Read about us:



Learn how Native helps companies achieve Cradle to Cradle Certification.