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Outreach Ideas

Web & Social Media

Use these ideas to share your commitment to reducing greenhouse gases with your friends and customers.


Announce your carbon offset initiative on your website.

  • Post carbon offset statements on your sustainability page or home page.
  • Add an interactive element: link to Native’s carbon calculators so your customers can calculate their footprints too.


Spread the word about your carbon offset initiative through blogs.

  • Write about carbon offsets on your company blog. Explain your purchase, what project you are helping build, and how your customers can participate too.
  • Collaborate with Native. Write a guest post for the Native blog or share Native’s project news or green tips with your readers. Contact us for details.

Social Networks

Communicate your carbon offset initiative on your social media channels.

  • Post updates about your Help Build™ project.
  • Offer quick links to the Native carbon calculators so your customers can offset their carbon footprints too.


Drive traffic to your site and support Native by submitting a testimonial to us. Please contact us for more details.