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Pollinators and Renewable Energy

Invest in a solar power array with pollinator habitat to amplify your climate action.

Launched in October 2018, our Renewable Energy Portfolio allows companies to purchase the Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) they need and construct new, community-scale renewable energy every year. As we strive to build more renewable energy across North America, we are also excited to capture the opportunity to expand habitats for bees and other pollinators.

With our first new renewable energy project — The Forest City Solar ProjectHB in Iowa — companies like Clif Bar, Lush Cosmetics, Lime Bikes, Stonyfield, DesignTex and others also play a role in establishing new pollinator habitat around the solar arrays. As we move forward, we will aim to incorporate pollinator habitats into each new project as well, amplifying the positive impact each company’s renewable energy investment has on biodiversity and the environment.

Our goal, together with these leading companies, is to create a 1 million MWh renewable energy portfolio and build new, community-scale renewable energy projects by 2025 that will generate over 200,000 MWh of energy - we are already approaching 141,000 MWh! Those supporting the portfolio obtain Green-e Energy certified RECs, annually.

The pollinator habitat in the Forest City solar array is developed using an Audubon Society standard.

Stay up-to-date on The Forest City Solar ProjectHB via our monthly reports here, and read more about solar arrays on our blog.