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Sky Wind Project, India

Project Type: Renewable Energy
Location: Santara District, Maharashtra, India
Project Start Date: 2012
Standard: Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
Capacity: 96 MW

Project Description

The Sky Wind Project is a 96 MW wind project located in a rural area of Maharashtra, India. The power produced from the project displaces an equivalent amount of power from the grid, which is fed mainly by fossil fuel fired power plants, and is considered a “dirty grid.” The average GHG emission reductions from this project is 135,000 tCO2e per year, or the equivalent of almost 14,000 US homes’ energy use for one year.

Impact & Benefits

Support for this project goes towards the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy in one of the world’s dirtiest grids, thereby enhancing the health and well-being of India’s citizens and the planet as a whole. Currently in India, air pollution and particulate matter from coal, wood, dung, as well as transportation, is responsible for an estimated 800,000-1,000,000 deaths per year. This project helps India move away from highly polluting sources of energy to clean, renewable energy.

Validation & Verification

This project has been validated and the carbon emissions reductions have been verified to the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).