If you’ve thought about reducing your personal carbon footprint, chances are good you’ve considered the vehicle you drive, whether to buy carbon offsets for air travel, or the amount of meat in your diet. But have you thought about the sweater you’re wearing? EILEEN FISHER, a leader in the fashion industry as well in the […]
Sweeten the Impact of Your Solar Array: Add a Pollinator Habitat
As we strive to build more renewable energy across the U.S., we are excited to capture the opportunity to expand habitats for bees and other pollinators. Launched in October 2018, our Renewable Energy Portfolio allows companies to purchase the Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) they need and fund the construction of new, community-scale renewable energy every year. […]
Webinar: Opportunities for Land Trusts to Participate in the Carbon Market with Keep It Colorado
Last week, Keep It Colorado, an organization dedicated to uniting and empowering Colorado’s land trusts, conservation partners and public agencies, hosted a webinar about the opportunities land trusts have to participate in the carbon market. The webinar featured Nicole Rosmarino of Southern Plains Land Trust and Sarah Wescott of Climate Action Reserve as speakers. The […]
Congratulations to Allbirds for Becoming Carbon Neutral!
Earlier this month, our partners over at Allbirds sent their customers an email thanking them for playing a part in allowing them to become carbon neutral. And we can’t help but share the great news! Native is honored to assist Allbirds in making a real climate-positive impact and bringing their commitment to life – carbon […]
Podcast: Soil Carbon with Sustainability Defined
Native’s very own Jennifer Cooper and Jeff Bernicke recently joined Allbird’s Hana Kajimura and Sustainability Defined to record a podcast on the topic of soil carbon. As soil carbon restoration plays a critical part in avoiding climate change, the podcast covers: What soil carbon is and how it is created Why soil carbon is important […]
Forest City Monthly Project Report: December
After the launch of our renewable energy portfolio with the support of Lime Bikes, LUSH Cosmetics, and Clif Bar, our first project has hit the ground running. Each month, we will post an update, given to us directly from those on-site, to show the growth and impact over time.
Hazda Communities Receive the 2019 Equator Prize for 10 Year Climate & Community Program
On September 24th, the Hazda communities of the Yaeda Valley in Tanzania were awarded the 2019 Equator Prize by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Equator Initiative. In the words of the UNDP, the award is presented to communities for their “local, innovative, and nature-based climate solutions.” The Yaeda Valley Project, in partnership with Carbon […]
How Company Goals Influence Your Renewable Energy Path
Commodity, unbundled renewable energy credits, or RECs, (like the ones you are buying to join the EPA’s Green Power Partnership, get LEED points, or claim “100% renewable electricity”) do little or nothing to drive development of new renewable energy generation. This is both a good sign and an unfortunate truth. It’s a good sign as […]
Forest City Monthly Project Report: June
After the launch of our renewable energy portfolio with the support of Lime Bikes, LUSH Cosmetics, and Clif Bar, our first project has hit the ground running. Each month, we will post an update, given to us directly from those on-site, to show the growth and impact over time.
Native Launches Regenerative Agriculture Project for Long Term Carbon Sequestration
Burlington, VT – Healthy soil – vibrant and teeming with organisms – builds soil carbon and is a key solution to the climate crisis. Yet modern farming and cattle grazing practices like tilling, monocropping, and overgrazing erode the soil, depleting the nutrients that help plants grow and releasing what remains of its once vast stores […]
Everlane’s Environmentally Friendly & Fashionionable Statement
A study conducted by a materials lab at MIT found the average pair of sneakers produces 13.6 pounds of CO2 emissions and that most of the sneaker is made of plastic. When considering all of the sneakers produced yearly, this impact adds up. This insight inspired Everlane to launch a new environmental initiative- the Everlane […]
Climate & Social Impact: Investment Principles
Our business has changed in a way that just delights us. We started out 19 years ago this summer with a plan to give people and companies a way to have their offsets purchases directly fund the creation of the project that would produce their offsets – Help BuildTM. We’ve been doing that ever since. […]